1. He was cheated out of his full holiday entitlement due to a change in company policy.
CHEAT OUT: prevent sb from having sth usually in an unfair way2. I truly feel for you in your terrible misfortune.
FEEL FOR: sympathise3. The interviewer kept cutting in when the Minister was trying to answer the question on environmental policy.
CUT IN: interrupt sth4. Sales of records and cassettes have dropped off considerably this year.
DROP OFF: decrease5. She is trying to get on with her schoolmates but she doesn't really fit in.
FIT IN: mix well with others6. Winter is coming. It's getting dark and the days are really starting to draw in.
DRAW IN: shorten (of days)7. He had to draw on his savings to pay his rent after he was made redundant.
DRAW ON: use part of a reserve8. I wish you wouldn't fly at me like that every time I make a mistake.
FLY AT: attack (with blows or words)9. The limousine drew up in front of the theatre and the actress got out.
DRAW UP: come to a stop (of vehicles)10. Yes, I've already heard the news. Simon dropped in to tell me this morning.
DROP IN: visit unexpectedly11. During the power workers' strike the electricity was cut off at regular intervals.
CUT OFF: isolate, disconnect12. He was forced to drop out of college when his father died.
DROP OUT OF: withdraw from13. The unforeseen expense on the new house ate into my savings but it was worth it.
EAT INTO: consume a part of sth14. He was told to cut down on sugar and fats or he would suffer serious health problems.
CUT DOWN ON: reduce (consumption)15. This composition would be better if you cut out the second paragraph.
CUT OUT: omit16. They've fitted up their kitchen with new cupboards.
FIT UP: furnish/equip17. She drew the lecture out to nearly three hours although it was only supposed to last an hour.
DRAW OUT: extend18. I'm afraid their business is on the verge of folding up due to a lack of orders.
FOLD UP: collapse or fail19. We'll have to organise a union meeting if we want to head off a strike.
HEAD OFF: prevent20. Could you check up on the children and see what they're up to?
CHECK UP ON: investigate sb's behaviour