
segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008

Bridget Jones's diary - New Year's Resolutions (I)

"New Year's Resolutions


Drink more than fourteen alcohol units a week.


Waste money on: pasta-makers, ice-cream machines or other culinary devices which will never use; books by unreadable literary authors to put impressively on shelves; exotic underwear, since pointless as have no boyfriend.

Behave sluttishly around the house, but instead imagine others are watching.

Spend more than earn.

Allow in-tray to rage out of control.

Fall for any of following: alcoholics, workaholics, commitment phobics, people with girlfriends or wives, misogynists, megalo-maniacs, chauvinists, emotional fuckwits or freeloaders, perverts.

Get annoyed with Mum, Una Alconbury or Perpetua.

Get upset over men, but instead be poised and cool ice-queen.

Have crushes on men, but instead form relationships based on mature assessment of character.

Bitch about anyone behind their backs, but be positive about everyone.

Obsess about Daniel Cleaver as pathetic to have a crush on boss in manner of Miss Moneypenny or similar.

Sulk about having no boyfriend, but develop inner poise and authority and sense of self as woman of substance, complete without boyfriend, as best way to obtain boyfriend."

Tá chegando o fim do ano e eu já tou cá comigo pensando na minha lista de resoluções pra 2009 tb.


1. 'alcohol' é incontável, pra tornar contável dizemos 'alcohol units'.
2. 'misogynist' - a man who hates women.
3. 'freeloader' - a person who is always accepting free food and accomodation from other people without giving anything in exchange.
4. 'to have a crush on somebody' - ficar afim de alguém.
5. 'assessment' - evaluation.
6. 'to bitch about someone behind their backs' - falar mal de alguém pelas costas.
7. 'to sulk' - ficar emburrado(a).
8. 'poise' - a calm and confident manner with control of your feelings or behavior.

As definições são do dicionário Oxford for Advanced learners.

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